Monthly Archives: June 2024

Ep. 141 “Misophonic Bi Orgy” w/ ROSS

Wow two episodes in a row with Ross back in the cockpit?? And this is a revealing one. So revealing it doesn’t seem right to put a bunch of bullet points in to Chat GPT to churn out show notes for this one. Does anyone even read these summaries? Do you hate that I use Chat GPT as much as I hate it? Please trust me- these notes are the only time I ever use it. AI scares me and bums me out but these notes are just to make this show searchable. I think. Is that what they do? I have no clue anymore.

Anyway, Patrick here. This week’s episode mainly centers on Ross and I hashing out and sorting through our marriage dynamics while we proceed with this non-monogamy business. If you’re curious about any of that stuff take a listen.

ALSO!! I’ll be running around the Binghamton area next week doing shows at various breweries and wineries up there. Also on Wednesday June 26th I’m heading back to the Hurleyville Performing Arts Center to host a lineup of awesome comics. If you’re in Sullivan or Ulster County in NY, come to the show! It will be so fun. Tickets

Follow your hosts on social media:

Patrick Holbert: @theholbertreport

Ross Erin Martineau: @rosserinmartineau

Ep. 140 “Peach Pit to The Max” w/ ROSS!

🎙️ Show Summary: WE HIRED A SITTER FOR THIS Episode 140 “Peach Pit to The Max”

This summary was written by a robot.

In Episode 140 of “We Hired a Sitter For This,” Patrick Holbert is joined by the original co-host, Ross Erin Martineau, for a candid discussion on relationships, parenting, and personal growth.

Main Topics:

  • 🐾 Veterinarian Visit: Patrick and Ross discuss a touching moment witnessing an old couple at the veterinarian’s office, reflecting on love and companionship.
  • 🏈 Football Banter: Engage in light-hearted banter about football, sharing personal anecdotes and humorous insights.
  • 🏀 Father’s Interest in Women’s Sports: Ross delves into her father’s interest in women’s sports, particularly the WNBA, speculating about his motivations and celebrating the growing popularity of women’s athletics.
  • 📱 Social Media and Personal Habits: Patrick talks about his reduced social media usage and his active participation on Reddit, especially his support for sugar-free living.
  • 🚫 Boundaries and Relapses: The hosts discuss the importance of setting boundaries in addiction recovery, comparing sex addiction to sugar addiction, and exploring the challenges of maintaining sobriety.
  • 🤥 Honesty and Secrets: Ross admits to lying about her whereabouts to talk to someone she’s dating on the phone, prompting a discussion on the importance of honesty in their relationship.
  • 💑 Non-Monogamous Relationship Dynamics: Patrick and Ross open up about their non-monogamous relationship. Patrick shares his decision to focus on work and family, stepping back from other relationships, while Ross reflects on her own experiences and needs.
  • 🧒 Parenting Challenges: The hosts discuss their child’s behavior and the challenges of parenting. Patrick shares advice from another parent on handling difficult behavior.
  • 🧘 Yoga Teaching Experiences: Ross shares her experiences teaching yoga to young girls, discussing the differences between teaching various age groups and the benefits of yoga practice.
  • 🏋️ Health and Fitness Goals: Patrick talks about his health journey and inspiration from a man in Boulder. Ross discusses her commitment to yoga and its positive impact on her well-being.
  • 🎉 Child’s Birthday Planning: The episode wraps up with a discussion about planning their child’s fourth birthday party, acknowledging their financial concerns and the need for better planning.

Live Show Announcements:

  • 🎭 Gastor’s Solo Show “The Sugar”: On June 20th, Gastor Almonte will be performing a “work in progress” rendition of his solo show “The Sugar” at St. Mark’s Comedy Club in NYC’s East Village.
  • 🎤 Patrick’s Upcoming Shows: On Wednesday, June 26th, Patrick will be bringing a lineup of his favorite comics back to the Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre. Visit to get tickets! Patrick will also be performing multiple shows around the Binghamton, NY area from June 25-29. For more information, visit

Tune in for an engaging and insightful episode of “We Hired a Sitter For This” as Patrick and Ross serve up a delightful blend of comedy, commentary, and candid conversation.

Follow your hosts on social media:

Patrick Holbert: @theholbertreport

Ross Erin Martineau: @rosserinmartineau

Ep. 139 “A Brolic Episode”

🎙️ Show Summary: WE HIRED A SITTER FOR THIS Episode 139 “A Brolic Episode”

This summary was written by a robot.

In Episode 139 of “We Hired a Sitter For This,” hosts Patrick Holbert and Gastor Almonte discuss a range of topics focusing on parenting and online safety for children.

Main Topics:

  • 🧑‍💻 Online Safety for Children: Patrick and Gastor delve into Reddit entries about fatherhood, discussing rules for internet usage and parental guidance for a 14-year-old’s online activities. Gastor emphasizes the importance of holding his children’s taste levels to a higher standard as an artist himself.
  • 🧒 Parenting Dynamics: The hosts discuss creating connections with their kids by sharing interests, providing guidance, and being open and honest about their strengths and struggles.
  • 🔍 Monitoring Online Activities: Patrick expresses a desire to monitor his child’s online activities to ensure she avoids “scary” subcultures (guns, racism, etc.). They debate whether it ever makes sense to track your children.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Father Feeling Replaced: In response to a Reddit post, they address concerns of a father feeling replaced by his child’s mother’s new boyfriend, highlighting the importance of positive influences in children’s lives while navigating personal challenges related to physical fitness, intellectual stimulation, and adjusting to parenthood.

Live Show Announcements:

  • 🎭 Gastor’s Solo Show “The Sugar”: On June 20th, Gastor will be performing a “work in progress” rendition of his solo show “The Sugar” at St. Mark’s Comedy Club in NYC’s East Village.
  • 🎤 Patrick’s Upcoming Shows: Patrick will be performing multiple shows around the Binghamton, NY area from June 25-29. For more information, visit

Tune in for an episode filled with insightful discussions and parenting tips on “We Hired a Sitter For This.”

Follow your hosts on social media:
Patrick Holbert:

Gastor Almonte: