Category Archives: Advice

Ep. 110 – Who cares about anything??

Who cares about anything when world war three is on and poppin?? Who cares about anything when you just had an afternoon romp? Who cares about anything when your toddler is a terrrorist?? Who cares about anything when this could be THE LAST EPISODE OF WHO CARES EVER??

We’re saying “could be” because even if it is, that’s only because we are probably going to change the name of the podcast. Take a listen to find out what we might change it to! And let us know if it’s the best idea you’ve ever heard in your life. If you think it’s a bad idea, piss off.

This episode sponsored by iodine anti radiation pills

Ep. 108 – Who cares about literal or figurative trash??

This week Ross and Patrick take you on a tour of their current state which is chaotic, sleep deprived, and impassioned. They’re all over the the place- from Bachelor in Paradise to calling a local city council member about the trash crisis in Bushwick. Can you keep up with their scatter brained diatribes?? More importantly, all Ross wants to know is, have you watched Succession and do you love Kendall as much as she does? Trust me, you don’t. Enjoy!

Ep. 107 – Who cares about capitalism??

Hello viewers! Have you missed Ross and Patrick? Well they’ve missed you. In this episode, they discuss the albatross around all of our necks, CAPITALISM. Hooray! Did you know we’ve all been brainwashed since childhood to think that we need to be producing at all times and that said production equates to our personal self worth? Don’t worry, Ross and Patrick also take you on a gorgeous journey of their long term stay at a hotel in a city that shall remain nameless and the cast of characters who work there. A place where up is down, down is up, pools are hot, and hot tubs are cold. Join them, won’t you?

Ep. 104 – Who cares about vasectomies??

On today’s episode, Ross and Patrick discuss vasectomies, doctors who reinforce traumatic patriarchal values, and then seamlessly segue into life’s minutia. Serving you classic Who Cares nonsense. Did I mention they’re tired all the time? Rate, review, and subscribe if you haven’t already. Ross and Patrick need sleep and reviews.

Ep. 103 – Who cares about bodies, embodiment, and sex?

On today’s show, Ross and Patrick delve into life as parents and how different they feel about their own individual bodies- You know… Sexually. Pretty cool, right? Their lives have significantly changed and so have their libidos. Is it going to be a slutty summer for the new Mom and Dad? Tune in to find out how they’re handling it all on this new episode of Who Cares!

Ep. 102 – Who cares about babysitting??

We hired a sitter to get this one done so dear god please listen. Thanks for keeping us in your subscription queue!! We plan to be back weekly from now on. But we’ll let you know next week.

Ep. 101 – Who cares about parenting bullcrap??

Our 101st episode!! We talk all about the junk we’ve geared up with to keep a baby alive for nearly 8 months. We complain about internet marketing and the parental industrial complex but we also come through with a big recommendation: If you have a new child who won’t sleep, you need to get a mechanical bull.

Ep. 100 – Who cares about episode 100??

Can you believe it?!?! They made it to episode 100! It only took 3 years, recording inconsistently, and some major life upheavals but they did it. Ross and Patrick take a walk down memory lane but not without discussing politics and The Bachelor. It wouldn’t be 100 episodes of Who Cares if they didn’t bounce around from topic to topic like they forgot to take their adderall. Viewer, thank you for coming on this journey with Ross and Patrick and here’s to a 100 more! Love you!

Ep. 099 – Who cares about Far Right Clubs??

We recorded this episode on the morning of January 20, 2021 in the hours before Joe Biden was inaugurated. Patrick is thinking about joining a far right extremist group and he tells Ross all about the cool options out there

Ep. 098 – Who cares about what we watch??

Content content content!!! The Bachelorette, Dolly Parton, and MURDER. Here’s what we’re watching this holiday season. Well, throughout 2020 I guess.