Ep. 086 – Who cares about our quarantine??

We finally jump on the mics to check in with ya’ll!! So sorry for the delay but the world has been postponed and also Ross was busy keeping this family afloat while Patrick wasn’t feeling well. On this episode we talk about all the trash content we’ve been consuming to pass the time without going insane and we also discuss the future of our extracurricular relationships. Oh and there are crystals involved.

Instagram: @who.cares.podcast


Ep. 084 – Who cares about Advice In The Time of Corona??

Well shit is really really fucking weird right now, huh? No one knows anything about what the next several months will be like, but that doesn’t mean Ross and Patrick can’t answer some questions for you. They’ve got solicited advice for the folks who wrote in. They hope this episode will keep you entertained and maybe even a little informed while you pull yourself away from the news long enough to cry on the toilet.

Ep. 083 – Who cares about Glen Tickle??

This is a very special episode! Ross and Patrick check in for a few minutes to start the show and then we go to a hotel in the middle of Pennsylvania to listen in as Patrick tries to learn how to be a dad from his comedy pal Glen Tickle. Glen has two daughters, a wife, a comedy album called “(Yes, Really),” and a brand new special called “Good Grief: A Comedy About Loss and Being Bad At It.” He’s an all around great guy and a hilarious comic. Check him out at www.glentickle.com. Buy his new special there for download!!

Ep. 082 – Who cares about Tax Tuesday??

Money, money, money, mooonnneeeyyy. Moooonnneeeyyy! Ya know, like the song. Ross and Patrick coming to you post couple’s business meeting so they needed to unpack said business immediately. Not as fun as sex but equally as uncomfortable to talk about. Sounds fun, right?

Ep. 081 – Who cares about dating in “reality”??

Have you heard the news? Pod people are getting engaged without actually meeting face to face! They are potentially mating and procreating while in the pods with the assistance of new technology that involves a blue tooth speaker, a ukulele, and goblets of wine. The apocalypse is a upon us and we must act fast. Just kidding! Love Is Blind is a new dating show on Netflix and Ross and Patrick are obsessed. The show is probably contributing to the downfall of society but who cares?! Listen to Ross and Patrick spoil the entire show by unpacking and ridiculing everything about it.

Ep. 080 – Who cares about mutual masturbation??

Ross & Patrick had exactly an hour to hang out together this weekend so they recorded this podcast to tell you all about wackin’ off together in Puerto Rico. Happy President’s Day!

Ep. 079 – Who cares about a “Babymoon”??

Well they’re back from the tropics and they’re depressed. However, it felt like Christmas morning on Sunday in Brooklyn because after a week apart, they finally reunited with PEGGY! So all is not lost – least not in the Holbertineau house – but the nation is a full blown nightmare. While on their magical vacation in Puerto Rico, Ross and Patrick still kept tabs on the White House of Horrors and the democratic shim sham, and most importantly The Bachelor. Tune in to hear all about the food, the beach, the relaxation, and the tv watching. They missed you!