Tag Archives: dating

Ep. 101 – Who cares about parenting bullcrap??

Our 101st episode!! We talk all about the junk we’ve geared up with to keep a baby alive for nearly 8 months. We complain about internet marketing and the parental industrial complex but we also come through with a big recommendation: If you have a new child who won’t sleep, you need to get a mechanical bull.

Ep. 100 – Who cares about episode 100??

Can you believe it?!?! They made it to episode 100! It only took 3 years, recording inconsistently, and some major life upheavals but they did it. Ross and Patrick take a walk down memory lane but not without discussing politics and The Bachelor. It wouldn’t be 100 episodes of Who Cares if they didn’t bounce around from topic to topic like they forgot to take their adderall. Viewer, thank you for coming on this journey with Ross and Patrick and here’s to a 100 more! Love you!

Ep. 098 – Who cares about what we watch??

Content content content!!! The Bachelorette, Dolly Parton, and MURDER. Here’s what we’re watching this holiday season. Well, throughout 2020 I guess.

Ep. 093 – Who cares about Taint Tuesday??

Patrick and Ross get together to talk through childhood anxieties and the current cricks in their necks

Ep. 090 – Who cares about Franny Sue??

Hello Everyone! Sorry for the delay. But we’re back with an audio odyssey catching up on where we’ve been and what’s going on. Our daughter was born on June 15th! Pretty crazy to be bringing a life into this world at this particular moment. We are doing the best we can and enjoying it overall. We hope you are all safe and sound and able to find peace and justice in your own life and in your communities. We will do our best to post episodes regularly, but it’s proving challenging to multi task with a 6 week old!

Ep. 081 – Who cares about dating in “reality”??

Have you heard the news? Pod people are getting engaged without actually meeting face to face! They are potentially mating and procreating while in the pods with the assistance of new technology that involves a blue tooth speaker, a ukulele, and goblets of wine. The apocalypse is a upon us and we must act fast. Just kidding! Love Is Blind is a new dating show on Netflix and Ross and Patrick are obsessed. The show is probably contributing to the downfall of society but who cares?! Listen to Ross and Patrick spoil the entire show by unpacking and ridiculing everything about it.

Ep. 080 – Who cares about mutual masturbation??

Ross & Patrick had exactly an hour to hang out together this weekend so they recorded this podcast to tell you all about wackin’ off together in Puerto Rico. Happy President’s Day!

Ep. 079 – Who cares about a “Babymoon”??

Well they’re back from the tropics and they’re depressed. However, it felt like Christmas morning on Sunday in Brooklyn because after a week apart, they finally reunited with PEGGY! So all is not lost – least not in the Holbertineau house – but the nation is a full blown nightmare. While on their magical vacation in Puerto Rico, Ross and Patrick still kept tabs on the White House of Horrors and the democratic shim sham, and most importantly The Bachelor. Tune in to hear all about the food, the beach, the relaxation, and the tv watching. They missed you!